Welcome to Alphabe-Thursday hosted by the very creative Jenny Matlock.Check out her blog and visit other "Alphabe" participants. This week we are celebrating the letter "B" and Jenny has a very cute story on her blog for this second letter of the alphabet.
My "B" this week is for my precious grandson Brandt who enjoyed the California beach in July. He had a ball running in the sand and building sand castles with his cousins.
"B" also stands forthis Baptismal gown that has been in our family since 1914 when my 95-year old mother was the first one to be baptized in this gown. Since then, my daughter, my grandson, and I have all been baptized in the same gown. It is a true family heirloom. These shoes are the shoes my daughter, my grandson and I have all been baptized in. They date back to 1948 when I was born.
These religious books date back to 1921. My mother's prayer bookalong with my prayer book and Communion book are in this photo with a lovely Lenox basket.
My final "B" photo is of birthday cake decor dating back to the late 50's or early 60's. My mother saved many things and I'm glad that she saved these cute vintage pieces. Note the record player in this photo...do kids today even know what these are?
This Pink Saturday was inspired by Debbie at Ribbonwood Cottage and her January 8, post. I fell in love with her baby girl dress garland so I decided to make one for my granddaughter, Lillian. You can see each dress as you scroll down...each dress has a heart and a letter from Lillian's name. I guess I can also use this garland for Valentine's Day because of the hearts! I designed each dress using different patterns that I made then cut scrapbook paper in the form of each pattern. I embellished with ribbon, buttons, lace and flowers to give each dress more punch! The only thing that I have left to do is to paint and decorate the clothespins that hold the dresses. I had leftover doll dress hangers so I used them as well. Instead of a traditional clothesline, I'm using a pretty piece of lace trim. I couldn't take a photo of the hanging garland because my camera battery died right before I tried to take the photo and I didn't want to wait for it to recharge. Click on each photo to enlarge to see the detail. Enjoy Lillian's name garland and visit other Pink Saturday participants.
Welcome to another Pink Saturday hosted byBeverlyand celebrated by bloggers who decorate with pink and surround themselves with pink lovelies.
My first pink photo is of a pink plate that was given to me by my daughter this Christmas. It has the prints of my granddaughter's baby foot (she's 10 weeks old) and my grandson's hand (he will be 3 in February). This definitely makes this Pink Saturday "Precious".
My next photo is of a tea pot that has a pink (sort of) design on it. I found it at a yard sale BUT it wasn't for sale. I saw it sitting in the kitchen window along with several other tea pot plants so I made the owner an offer she couldn't refuse. I walked away with 4 tea pots containing this type of plant and I used 3 of them for birthday gifts. All the tea pots were different in size and color, but I kept this one because it has a crack and chip on the handle.
My next photoshows several mini dollsbut my focus is on the little doll dressed in pink sitting in the bowl with pink roses next to the little bell with a pink rose. Wow, a whole lotta pink! I think that I found her at a yard sale. Here is another photo of the little pink dollatop a vintage pink ornament. My final photo shows a cute pink magnet and matching cup that I found at an estate sale today. The magnet says, "You're nothing short of my everything". I bought it because I'm short, it's pink, and it can remind my husband every time he's near the fridge that I AM his "everything". I like the cup, too, because it's big, pink, and I don't have to refill it as often. I hope you enjoyed my photos this week and please stop by Beverly's blog to visit other participants. Happy New Year and Happy Pink Saturday~~~~~~~