Welcome to another edition of Alphabe-Thursday compliments of our teacher and fearless leader, Mrs. Matlock. Join other students for an adventure with the letter "S".
The whole spider/scorpion thing started when we moved to Arizona when I was 14 years old. I came from Illinois so the desert was completely foreign to me. I just knew that everything (animal) that lived in the Arizona Sonoran desert was poisonous (or so I thought) especially spiders and scorpions so I was really fearful of both. Therefore, you can imagine my shock when I saw a spider crawling up my leg while I was taking a shower one night! EEEK! I quickly finished my shower, dried my hair, put on my pajamas and went to bed. I waited all night to die from this horrible spider that had been on my leg but nothing happened. Lesson #1...not all Arizona spiders are poisonous...just two. Beware of the black widow and the brown recluse both of which can deliver a nasty, painful bite and sometimes death depending on the circumstances.
The whole spider/scorpion thing started when we moved to Arizona when I was 14 years old. I came from Illinois so the desert was completely foreign to me. I just knew that everything (animal) that lived in the Arizona Sonoran desert was poisonous (or so I thought) especially spiders and scorpions so I was really fearful of both. Therefore, you can imagine my shock when I saw a spider crawling up my leg while I was taking a shower one night! EEEK! I quickly finished my shower, dried my hair, put on my pajamas and went to bed. I waited all night to die from this horrible spider that had been on my leg but nothing happened. Lesson #1...not all Arizona spiders are poisonous...just two. Beware of the black widow and the brown recluse both of which can deliver a nasty, painful bite and sometimes death depending on the circumstances.
Another night as I was walking on a friend's driveway I happened to look down and I saw a scorpion the size of a lobster on steroids walking next to my foot! EEEK! again. My screams were heard in Australia. Lesson #2...there are many types of scorpions in Arizona and only a few pack a wallop. Beware of the small bark scorpion although any scorpion sting can cause pain. The bark scorpion is very dangerous especially to small children.
Now for the more enjoyable "stuff" with photos
Now for the more enjoyable "stuff" with photos
This first "S" photo is of two hankies that my mother has. Since her name is Sarah, these hankies have S's on them.

I hope that you enjoyed your "S" journey with me and please visit my classmates on Mrs. Matlock's link.
This post is linked back to Alphabe-Thursday for the letter "S".
This post is linked back to Alphabe-Thursday for the letter "S".