This Thursday night I'm going to do a Christmas craft and drink White Russians with my friends, Robin, Suzanne, and Joanne. Joanne is also my sister-in-law. We are going to meet at Robin's house and exchange gifts, do our snowman craft and drink...I might bring some hot chocolate mix because I have a very distinct memory of drinking too many White Russians. It happened many years ago (I've been married for 29 years and this incident happened before I met my husband). It was a Sunday night and I was on a date at Bobby McGee's in Scottsdale, AZ having a great time drinking, talking and kissing my date. I remember that the drinks went down rather smoothly and I was surprised that 5 had no affect on me whatsoever...or so I thought. I was fine until I went to stand up and then BAM, I felt the 5 drinks quite intensely. I only remember trying to sleep when I got home (I still lived with my parents at the time). I knew that I had to get some sleep because I was a teacher and I had to be at school the next day. I don't know how I made it through the night, but I was quite sick in the morning. I decided to wash my hair in the kitchen sink (why I don't know), and when I bent forward I thought that I was going to pass out. It was early and I didn't want to wake my parents so I went outside in the backyard to get some air. Our dog, Mitzi, followed me outside and watched as I violently threw up my innards near the far corner of the yard. All I remember after that is feeling like total hell until about 10 AM. How I made it through the day I'll never know. So....maybe I'll just enjoy my gift, do the craft and drink the hot chocolate. Those White Russians can really sneak up on a body and mine isn't what it used to be!
My mother the lush ...
Maybe avoid the White Russians, but definitely take your own supply of sprite and white zinfandel as to not be the only sober person in attendance. I know how much you love your spritzers.
In my experience, we teachers are the most amazing people who can endure almost anything while tending to the needs of a gaggle of children!
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