Welcome to another Alphabe-Thursday hosted by Mrs. Matlock. Our assignment this week is the letter "K" so skip on over to Mrs. M's blog to view other "students" who submitted "K" papers for your entertainment and for Mrs. M's approval.
This first photo is of a book that my mother saved from my kindergarten year. I seemed to have mastered my 8's but not my 9's. I must have learned how to make my 9's properly somewhere along the line because I taught school for 31 years!
This first photo is of a book that my mother saved from my kindergarten year. I seemed to have mastered my 8's but not my 9's. I must have learned how to make my 9's properly somewhere along the line because I taught school for 31 years!
My mother is 95 years old and she can't see too well anymore. However, when she was younger (in her 60's, 70's, and 80's) she would knit almost all day long! She knit sooooo many things that I can't even list everything on a blog. Since it is almost Easter, I thought that I would include her rabbits and a cute elephant that she won 3rd place for at the Arizona State Fair.

Katy Keene
Since I had paper dolls in my last blog, I thought that I would include my Katy Keene paper dolls in this blog and get extra points from Mrs. Matlock for a double "K" photo! Only kidding, Mrs. M.!

my best "K" by far
Here is a photo of my daughter, Karen, as a baby. She had the most beautiful blue eyes then and she continues to impress people with her eyes today.

Karen on her wedding day in 2006. I feel closer to Karen now then I ever have. I can honestly say that she is not only my beloved daughter, but she is my friend as well. We talk on the phone several times a day and giggle about the antics of my two precious grandchildren, Brandt Joseph and Lillian Sarah.

Here is the kitchen in my daughter's dollhouse. I like the spice rack, clock, bread, mops and watermelon. The Coke bottle isn't the right scale but at least it belongs in the kitchen!

Well that wraps up my "K" assignment. Visit other "K" stories and enjoy your day.
This is linked back to Alphabe-Thursday for the letter "K".
I apologize if some of these photos look familiar as I have used a few of them before in other posts~~~~~~~~