I really labored over the "G" letter and I'm sure I lost some sleep deciding what to do about this assignment. I lamented my lack of creativity to my daughter who instantly came up with the diaper idea. You see my daughter has decided to do the "green" thing and help our environment by using only cloth diapers on my 4 month old granddaughter, Lillian Sarah. In fact my daughter has become somewhat addicted to the whole cloth diaper thing! While visiting my daughter today, she got a package with 10 new cloth diapers in it. She was sooooo excited and happy about receiving the diapers that my husband and I just had to tease her about it. Don't get me wrong, I fully support and encourage Karen's determination in this endeavor; it's just that cloth diapers have changed over the past 30 years since she was a baby. When I used cloth diapers, they were white only, I had to use safety pins, and cover the diapers with rubber pants which wasn't so smart if you lived in Arizona during the summer months! Oh let's not forget how many times I pricked my finger with the safety pins!
Visit these links for more information:
cutie poops
cotton babies
squishy tushy
The Bober Family (my daughter's blog)

Lillian is modeling one of the many cloth diapers that my daughter bought for her.

Very cute! My close friend is going green on the diaper use too....and yes my Mom also mentioned back when they had a diaper service so you always had a clean bag of diapers on hand....I remember those big pins! Ouch!
Interesting G!!
you dont use paper one?Very colourful diapers!! Very cute!
I love the color green as well. i used cloth diapers and my son is 19 and daughter is 28, but we did not have all those cool colors!
Oh no! I remember the G aggy G oo back in the early days of cloth diapers!
G ood for your G orgeous G reen daughter!
A+ for your G regorious post!
I had no idea that cloth diapers came in prints. At one time I owned 8 dozen cloth diapers and washed them every other day. That was many, many years ago.
That window is pretty!
Fun letter G! I remember the cloth ones too...and I had to fold them! I wonder how many women remember how to do that (o:
I like the colors on them now too.
Sweet little babe...
My grandson wears cloth diapers also! He is now almost 15 months old and has worn them since birth. They are very functional and comfortable and not that much trouble. I'm glad more young mothers are thinking about the environment!
Happy G Day!
I have to admire those who have gone back to cloth diapers - and I'm glad I'm long past having to make that decision!
I admire your daughters commitment! I am gaga over your window,it's beautiful glass.
I wish I had known cloth diapers were so modern and easy to use. Thankfully, we are done with diapers now.
I love those crocheted animals and the stained glass window. The window has my favorite decor colors.
If cloth diapers had been this cute when Cait was a baby, I might have used them too. And no pins! Good for your daughter. And I love your window, it's Gorgeous!
Green diapers indeed!
Happy TT!
Happy WW!
Happy AT!
Happy March!
Very nice post! You are the second person who chose the word, the colour "green" for your "g-word".
First off, you used the environmental-political usage of the word "green", and then the concrete colour green!
I also chose the word "green" for my "G-word", but green as in the colour green as in "green glass, wood and stone beads". I am working within a jewellery-making theme when I do memes.
One more thought about the "green"-diapers: I too had high ideals and ambitions and wanted to only use cloth diapers/nappies when my son Erik was a baby. I washed, folded and ironed them and it took as long as it now takes to do Entrecard drops on other people's blogs -- meaning hours!!!! So I gave it up after a a year and never used them on my daughter who was born a little more than two and a half years later.
I don't understand how my mother did it! (I'm going to ask her if she used a diaper-service.) When my brother and I were babies there were only the cloth ones available and then we learned how to sit on the potty really, really early -- one and a half years old.
Fun post!
Great green post. The window looks lovely
those are the cutest diapers :D
My niece is pregnant and I told her she should use cloth diapers - it would save her money and be good to the environment. She just laughed at me and said, "And I suppose you used cloth diapers with Stephen (my 12 yr old)." ummm...no...what's that got to do with anything??? LOL
I have a frog ** exactly** like that! A little old lady friend of mine who lived in a retirement home made him for me years ago.
Cute post! I was born in the days on cloth diapers. I always think about my mom having to wash and hang all those diapers out to dry on the clothes line outside. Wow! That must have been a chore.
Enjoyed your post. Happy Day!
Too funny. I used cloth for my first daughter (she turns 30 this year) same as you that included the diaper pins and plastic pants. When the second daughter came along I started with cloth and changed over to disposables. I have to admit third daughter never had a cloth diaper on her bottom half and I have only used clean new cloth diapers as burp cloths since.
Your granddaughter is beautiful and has the loveliest name. I *imagine* myself using cloth diapers when the time comes...I really think that being a stay-at-home or working outside the home will make the difference in our family, in terms of convenience.
Good for your daughter to do the Green thinG! It's so much nicer for the baby, too, just to have soft cotton against their skin.
I know a lot of young mothers nowadays go for cloth diapers. Your right, I remember many a diaper pin sticking me in my fingers. Love all your green stuff.
YAY! Go G' is for Green....you are right, diapers have come a long way!
Originally, I was going to comment with a G adjective about what you might find in those green diapers. But all your green photos were so lovely and Lillian so precious that I got distracted. Great post!
Great G post, good for your daughter for being so green, and I love the wardrobe, gorgeous!
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