Tuesday, January 17, 2012

"I" is for Incredibly embarrassing!

The letter "I" is brought to you by Jenny Matlock. Visit her blog for more "I" entries.

It all started when I let the dogs out through the door in our bedroom!  I walked into the backyard in my nightgown and slippers and waited for the dogs to finish whatever they were doing.  I turned to go into the house and suddenly realized that the door had locked behind me!  My husband was in Tucson (98 miles away) so screaming and pounding on the windows and doors was not an option.  I kept repeating to myself, I'm locked out, I'm locked out, what am I going to do?  Oh, crap...this can't be happening to me!  I somehow realized that I had to get to a phone so I decided to walk to my neighbor's house in my humiliated glory with my boobs bouncing like tennis balls melons for the world to see.  Of course my neighbors (whom I know) weren't home!  I knew that there were neighbors in the next house who had recently moved in so I thought that I would try my luck with them.  I sheepishly knocked on their door and a man answered looking at me like he was seeing Dolly Parton and Carol Burnett's washer woman all rolled into one!  I had crossed my arms over my chest to hide my true embarrassment and politely introduced myself.  He and his wife welcomed me in and let me use their phone which wasn't any ordinary phone.  They and I had trouble calling out so the man (Marty) finally let me use his normal cell phone.  I called my friend, Cindy, who lives nearby because I knew that she had the key to our house.  No answer!  I called my father-in-law (age 90) because I thought that he might have a key to our house but he couldn't help me.  I kept apologizing to the new neighbors (Vickie and Marty) and they assured me that it was okay to stand in their kitchen without any dignity...Marty finally told his wife to get a robe for me because he could obviously sense that my near-hysterical embarrassment was about to skyrocket into uncontrollable sobs with a side of flailing and gnashing of teeth!  I pulled myself together and decided to call Cindy back while silently promising God that I would make novenas for the next 10 years!  This time Cindy answered the phone and I explained what had happened.  Funny thing...Cindy was in her nightgown, too, and had to change and find my house key before she could come to my rescue.  I dashed out of Marty and Vickie's house with a stream of "thank-you's" trailing behind me.  I met Cindy at my front door and nearly kissed the floor when I walked into my house.  I, too, thanked Cindy profusely, let the dogs in, took a shower and drank a cup of coffee.  I left for my hair appt. and took time to buy some flowers for Cindy, Marty and Vickie.  It seems now that when I leave my house I always feel incredibly insecure and tense, but I always make sure that I'm sufficiently dressed, have my cell phone, keys, water, sack lunch and chocolate with me...even if I only put the garbage bins out front or water the yard!  I think an incredible case of paranoia has set in.
Clip art courtesy of Bing!


Julie Tucker-Wolek said...

Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh girl!! That has happened to me too!! Sooooooooooo not fun!! Glad your friends helped you though! :):):):):):):):):):):)

Rocky Mountain Woman said...

Oh I can feel your pain. I used to run out in my nightgown to feed the horses early in the morning in the summer before it was light so I wouldn't have to change twice before work. Well I got caught by one of my neighbors who thought it was hysterical. Me, not so much. Now I dress first and just go to work with hay in my hair...

Erika said...

I am terrible about feeding the cats in my gown. Our laundry is out in the garage and even then I leave the door open--I am so worried the same thing will happen!
That was very nice of you to get them flowers.

Barbara F. said...

I locked myself out once and had to call a locksmith. I then hid a key on my property and yes, one other time had to locate it! I am paranoid about this. Glad your friend had a key. I am visiting from Jenny Matlock's Letter I. xo

ellen b. said...

Oh girl. I've lived out this scenario in my mind as I step out in my nighty and slippers but have never had it become reality. So glad your friend finally answered the phone!

EG CameraGirl said...

Oh my goodness! What an experience! Glad your friend came to the rescue.

Judie said...

I have a SERIOUS phobia about being locked out, so I have not one, but TWO keys hidden just in case. I also have a fear of being locked out of my car, and before I close the car door, I absolutely have to look in my purse and SEE my keys there. I live in Tucson, and our mornings have been a little chilly lately. I certainly wouldn't want to be locked out without my robe!!

Heather{Our Life In a Click} said...

I'm always worried about that happening!!! Oh what a story! I can feel your pain!

Anonymous said...

I'm sure that many people could tell almost the same story. Glad you finally got in touch with your friend. Maybe someday you'll be able to live on the wild side and leave your house without quite all those items.

Anonymous said...

What an experience! I am so glad you found someone home!

Pondside said...

You poor thing! Time to change to a different lock - because (take it from one who knows!) this will happen again.....

anitamombanita said...

what a great story!! Glad you got it all worked out. I think I'd be extremely paranoid form them on if that happened to me...or I'd break a window...

Ingrid said...

Hahaha ! I once drove Mr.G. to his nightshift in the Hilton Hotel in with curlers on my head and also a nightgown. I ran out gaz in the middle of a Brussels' boulevard at 11 pm !! that also was an adventure !

Sandy said...

Thanks so much for the laugh this morning.. this has happened to me and I feel your pain... roflmbo!
Following from Jennys

Monica said...

Wow, and I feel naked if I leave the house without a watch on or earrings in! SO glad your friend was finally able to come to the rescue!

Lola said...

What a dreadful experience - ughh!

Thanks for stopping by with such great *i*con suggestions!

Susan Anderson said...

Yep, that would definitely be embarrassing. Reminds me of those dreams where you don't have any clothes on.

At least you had the nightgown! Could have been worse, right?


To the Toy Box and Beyond said...

OMG how funny but very embarrassing. before I step outside I always make sure I have a key in my pocket. My two year old is famous for locking me out. Visiting from Jenny I am link #62

Maureen Wyatt said...

Still laughing! Better you than me! ~ Maureen

Unknown said...

OMG that is incredibly embarrassing! Thanks goodness things worked out well for you. I really loved your story. Warm hugs, Esther

Karen said...

What?! You never told me this story ... that is hilarious!

Cathy Kennedy said...

Oh heaven! Now, isn't this fun...okay, you didn't think it was so funny at the time. But, you can have a good laugh now, right? You know, this sounds like the kind of luck of I would have, if I weren't so paranoid to begin with. I always make sure I have one set of keys on me before exiting the house, if noone is home. I'll check my pockets to makes sure I have them in tow before I close the unlocked door just incase it's really not locked. I'm glad your story had a happy ending, and I certain your new neighbors will remember you always with a smile.

Esther Joy said...

Probably the reason this is so funny is because it is something all of us fear happening to us! I have been caught locked out enough to do as you said, "It seems now that when I leave my house I always feel incredibly insecure and tense, but I always make sure that I'm sufficiently dressed, have my cell phone, keys, water, sack lunch and chocolate" - except I don't always have the sack lunch or chocolate! Good idea! LOL!