Mrs. Matlock has assigned our class the letter M this week and I chose to post photos and stories of my mother.
My mother was born on September 4, 1914, in IL and she wasn't expected to live. The Italian doctor who tended to my grandmother during her home delivery, told everyone in the room to just set my mother aside because she "wasn't going to live". My great-grandmother had other ideas and scooped my tiny mother up, wrapped her in blankets, and set her near the stove for warmth. My mom was a strong little person even in the first few delicate hours of her life.
Here is an early photo of my mother with a huge bow in her hair, high-top strap shoes, and pretty jewelry to adorn her tiny arms and fingers. This photo was probably taken sometime in 1916 or 1917.
My mother grew up with 5 brothers and, since she was the oldest child and a female, she had to take care of the "boys" as if they were her own. She had to learn to cook and clean at a young age, and my grandfather wouldn't let my mother go to high school because he wanted her to work and help support the family. My mother was always obedient so she went to work and gave my grandfather her check each pay day.This photo was taken when my mother was around 18 years old.
My mother was always an exquisite fashion plate as evidenced in the following photo when my mother served as a godmother in the early 30's. She is standing on the right.
This is perhaps my favorite photo of my mother taken when she was a bridesmaid in a wedding. She has always said that she was a bridesmaid more times than she can count! This photo reminds me of a Hollywood star regally posing for the camera.
Here is another photo of my mother as a bridesmaid. She hated this dress and always called it her "fish shark dress". I like her hair,the fancy headpiece and all the flowers in her bouquet.
Again another gorgeous photo of my mother dressed from head to toe in all her finery. Note the watch pinned on the left side of her suit top. That watch was worn by my grandmother in 1913 when she was married, by my mother in 1943 for her wedding, in 1978 I wore it and my daughter worn it for her wedding in 2006. This watch is truly a family heirloom.
I never understood the next photo of my mother. Here she is standing on a stump wearing funky stockings, holding a yo-yo (?) looking at the side of a house or perhaps someone standing on the other side of the door. This photo has always amused me because it really has no explanation except for the viewer's imagination!
This photo is of my mother at age 92. She has outlived my father, her parents, her brothers and all but one of her sisters-in-law.
This photo was taken on my mother's 95th birthday last September. The cameo in the photo was brought back from Italy by my father after WWII. My mother has the matching ring and bracelet.
My mother has had a good long life and I continue to admire her strength as she deals with age and the problems that go along with being elderly. Obviously our roles have changed. I am now her caretaker and I am forever showing her how to do the simple things that she once showed me how to do. My mother has become quite frail lately and I told one of my cousins that I really have no regrets when it comes to being a good daughter to my parents. Sure I challenged them but, overall, I was never a problem and they had few worries when I was growing into adulthood. I'm at peace with what will come because I know in my heart that my mom is happy and we have been very good to each other.
This is linked back to Alphabe-Thursday for the letter M.
Your mother is stunning - as a young woman and now. You are a blessing to her now, to care for her now in her old age.
Thank you for sharing.
OH your momma was so pretty!! Look at all those lovely dresses! And what a sweet daughter you are to take such good care of her. :-)
Your Mom is soooooooooooooo BEAUTIFUL!!! Thanks soooooooooo much for sharing these with us! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)
Such a sweet tribute to your Mother! She was and is beautiful. It is hard to watch our parents age but to have had such a good life is a reward in itself!
WOW! This was AWESOME! Your mom is still so beautiful!
I loved each photo more than the last....and, you know, those shoes in photo #1 have been all the rage for the last year for grownups! For real!!
What a remarkable lady, and how elegant she was as a young woman! She is lucky.
As Christy said...your mother is stunning, that is the perfect word to describe her. What a wonderfully fully life she has led and to have you as a daughter is an extra bonus! How wonderful for her and for you because of your realtionship! Thanks for this lovely post!
Your mother is beautiful. Great tribute to what sounds like a wonderful woman.
i loved seeing all the fashion :D
Mother was perfect! I love all the vintage photos you have of her. I always am amazed at how well dressed everyone was then!~ Love it!
What a moving and lovely tribute to an amazing Mom.
She is just lovely...and she looks so kind (but slightly mischievious) in her pictures.
I blew up that picture to see if that was a yoyo or a pocket watch...but even if I knew I can't solve the mystery for you.
Thank you for this lovely trip down Memory lane on my stop here on Alphabe-Thursday's journey through the letter "M"!
What a special tribute to your mom. She is a beautiful lady! And she is a contemporary of my mom's. My mother was also born in 1914 and is still living an active life. She recently moved to an assisted living arrangement. Isn't it amazing to think about all the years our mom's have experienced. What history they've lived!
All the best to your mom!
your mothers seems like a beautiful & strong woman, very sweet tribute
ps, thanks for your visit
What beautiful photos! I know you treasure them! You are a sweetpea to take care of her!
What a lovely woman your mother was and still is. Lovely. A great post thanks for stopping by!
What a wonderful and touching tribute to your beautiful Mom! God bless her long and well lived years! God bless you also for taking good care of her as I know from experience that is not often easy.
Wonderful M post! Glad to have found your blog through Alphabe Thursday!
What a wonderful post. Your mother truly had strength of character and great beauty. I cannot imagine how it feels to have your roles reversed now. What a treasure you have and a love you demonstrate in knowing her life story, in heirlooms cherished and shared, and in loving her fully through all the seasons of her life.
beautiful ... just beautiful .... a whole lot of love is sitting her on your blog and it was a truly wonderful read.
Oh that is so lovely and hert warming, just so sweet to honor your Mother like this, what a Blessing she is and you to her!!!Yes, as we age our roles do get reversed!!! My MOm is not that old, in her 70's, but I see signs of dimentia like my Grandmother had. So sad, really. She was beautiful young and beautiful now!!!!
I love the show GLEE as well, new watcher here!!!!
Have a great week end
That was very nice and I enjoyed reading about your mother and seeing all the wonderful photos. Were some of those old photos restored? They look great and you're very lucky to have them. Best wishes to your mom!
She is so elegant and feminine.I can't believe all the changes she's seen in this world.How lucky we are that you've shared her with us:)
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