Welcome to our "N" assignment from Mrs. Matlock's class. Please join us for a visit to each letter of the alphabet and a whole lot of fun. I have met so many wonderful bloggers and I have made some fabulous friends by being part of Mrs. Matlock's "class". Enjoy the "N" paper assignments and have a delightful day visiting other blogs.
I was in kindergarten in 1953-54 and I was chosen to be the nun in my kindergarten graduation class. You see, I had stage experience because I took ballet at a very young age so the nuns at my elementary school thought that I was the perfect choice for the "nun" role. At first I liked the idea and my mother was just beside herself with excitement. Then everything went downhill. I came home one day and told my mother that I didn't want to be the nun anymore...I quit...no way...no how...get me out of here...at age 6! That news wasn't well-received. My mother hauled me down to the convent so she could discuss my "nunnery" issues with the sisters in charge. As it turned out during a dress rehearsal one of the nuns accidentally stuck a pin into my scalp to hold on the headpiece. I wanted no part of having pins stuck into my head so I quit. After the problem was discovered and I was assured that no pins would be stuck into my head, I agreed to be the nun again. I ended up hating the role of the nun because I had to wear ugly brown shoes (I think that they were boy shoes) and I couldn't have fancy hair that day or wear the cute pastel ribbon that the other girls wore on their white graduation gowns. All I could do was stand on the side of the stage in my nun outfit with ugly brown shoes and hand out diplomas to the girls as their names were called. The following photo shows me with the boy who played the priest for our kindergarten graduation, Rusty. As it turns out, Russ and I are still in contact and he is a retired OB/GYN. We share the same aunt but we are not cousins....another blog entirely!
The following photos are from my daughter's "nesting" shower last August.
I wish that I had a better photo of the "nesting tree" so you could see the birds, nests, eggs and birdhouses on this tree. It was cute but I never really got a good photo of it on the day of the shower.

This is linked back to Alphabe-Thursday for the letter "N".
Great N post, you both look so cute in your costumes.Love your crystal glasses too.
What a fun post I love your nun picture and your crystal.
Ohhhh, that picture frightens me. I was taught by nuns scary LOL. Great N post.
Awe, you made an adorable nun. I just don't get why they had you do that? How'd you get your diploma?
you are the cutest nun :D
I am too naughty to be a nun
Great N post ... love the Nun bit with pin in your poor head!
What a Nifty N post.
Love your costumes. I wouldn't have wanted to be a nun either. The ones in my the Catholic school we went to in Montana were scary...really, really scary.
Your shower ideas are so clever. It is just a really nice (dang, that is such a plain jane word) event.
Those cupcakes must have made everyone feel nectarivorous!
Thanks for this wonderful post on my little journey through Alphabe-Thursday's letter "N" today!
That was a great story, and well told. You had me laughing. And your ideas for your daughter's shower were so clever! Well done.
You made an adorable nun. In kindergarten I was chosen to be one of Santa's elves when the PTA did a Christmas party at an orphanage. They picked the two smallest kids in the class and Billy Higdon and I were elves. I didn't want to be an elf and I have a slide of me sticking my tongue out when my father tried to take a picture. What is it with kindergarten and making kids dress up when it isn't Halloween? :)
I've never heard of a nesting shower, but it sounds like a good idea and everything looked very nice.
cute. I'm thinking my DIL/DS visiting from Washington in a couple months needs a 'local' baby shower. I love the 'nesting' theme. Would love more of your nesting ideas if you have them. It would probably be an open house type deal with the men too because everyone wants to see my kids when they're 'home'.
I love the NUN play you were in!!!How sweet!!!I am assuming since you were in kindergarden in the 50's and have a daughter having a baby, that pic on your side bar must be your beautiful daughter!!!!
My daughter's best friend had her baby boy yesterday, Happy earth day baby boy!!!!
Her shower was a nesting theme also!!!How popular!!!!
His nursery is a tree with nests in it too!!!!
Love that idea!!!!
Cute darling cupcakes!!!I guessed you made them!!!!
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