Mrs. Matlock has assigned the letter "X" for our class assignmet this week which might pose a problem for some students. I, however, am not one of them. I thought of "X" for an x-ray....but no I'm not going to write about that.
Then I naturally thought about a xylophone but I'm not going to even take that on since I have a zero interest in instruments because I'm so tone deaf!

My alma mater of course!
I attended the best Catholic high school in Arizona and my memories of that experience will forever be in my heart and mind. Xavier High School was opened in 1943 with a total of 17 ambitious and pioneering students. Xavier is an all-female private school with a rigorous curriculum that includes everything from aviation and architecture to zoology. There are honors and AP classes taught by a staff with Master's degrees and Ph.D's.
Xavier had the designation of "high school" from 1943 to 1980, and then Xavier became a "college preparatory" after meeting the criteria to qualify for this distinction. When I attended, Xavier was called Xavier High School (XHS), but now it is known as Xavier College Prep (XCP). As I write about Xavier, I will refer to it as XCP because that is the school's official name now.
The first photo shows the entrance to the school which is a bit different from when I was a student. The cross and the name are much higher on the building now because the boys from Brophy (the boy's college prep school not far from XCP) kept stealing the X when I was a student in the 60's.

Well that concludes my paper on the letter "X" and my trip down memory lane. This is linked back to Alphabe-Thursday for the letter "X". Visit Mrs. Matlock here and check out XCP here.