V is for VINTAGE
Our teacher, Mrs. Matlock, has assigned our class the letter "V" for this week as part of Alphabe-Thursday. I thought of many things to write about, but I finally decided to post photos of some vintage items that I have. The things I'm writing about are quite varied, so relax and enjoy the photos of a time gone by when fashion had a whole different look, magazine ads were quite stylish, cars were cheaper, childhood toys were simple, and history was being made.
This first photo is of a vintage booklet printed in 1938. The lady on the cover reminds me of Donna Reed with her fresh dress, nice smile, and perfect hair. The man has on a tie and so does the little boy which would probably not be on a current cover of any book for today's homemakers! Even the dog seems to be smiling in this idyllic family setting.
This 1942 vintage ad shows a sailor skating with a pretty girl dressed and coiffed for the occasion while drawing attention to razor blades being sold for either a dime or 27 cents!
If you are a frequent reader of my blog, you know that my mother saved many sentimental things. This photo shows the 1948 calendar when I was born. My birthday is May 12, 1948, and you can see that sour cream peach pie was the pie of the month. I also have calendars like this from 1949 and 1952 but I don't know why my mother saved these two specific years.
Ahhh, speaking of vintage toys....you can see doll shoes that belonged to my Vogue Ginny and Jill dolls (two white with straps, pink, red and the white strap heels). The black shoes and the cream-colored shoes with bows belonged to other vintage dolls that I had (actually I still might have the dolls that match the shoes but they are packed away).
I never heard of Vera Borea but apparently she was a countess that brought haute couture on her visit to America. Interesting fashion indeed.
I chuckled when I saw this vintage 1932 ad for "little women or larger-hip figures". Did Paris designers actually think that some women were fuller and shorter than their slim, tall model counterparts?
I've always liked this graduation card from 1966 which was the year that I graduated from high school. Could this actually be vintage???? Yikes!!! Does anyone else remember flips, heavy bangs, headbands, gloves (which were a MUST) and puffy sleeves on delicate dresses? Lord, give me strength!
The next two photos show hats that I think are so striking. Apparently high crowns, ribbon and feathers were important in some vintage fashion. 
This vintage photo is of my grandmother (second from the right) and it was probably taken around 1910 or 1911. More fashion of the time but not from Paris!
This next vintage photo is of my mother and her brother, Peter, taken between 1925 and 1927. Wavy hair and sack dresses must have been popular then.
My 1966 Ford Mustang!!!! My parents bought this car for me when I was in college. I drove this car for many years and I still drive it occasionally! My husband really likes this Mustang and he has had a lot of work done to it. I wasn't happy about it because my baby blue Mustang isn't totally original anymore, but so many people have told me that my car is worth more money now. I hope that my grandson likes it because it will be his car one day.
A car for $535!!!! Hmmmm, seems vintage to me! Notice the cartoon ad in the background. It is for a Mickey Mouse animated cartoon with the original mouse character as Walt Disney drew it so many years ago.
This next photo is a small portion of a vintage table cloth that my mother embroidered in the 1930's. She spent quite a bit of time working on this and I wish you could see all of it. The table cloth is quite large and her work is very precise.
A cute vintage Valentine with two darling children sharing hearts and flowers.
My father saved quite a bit of WWII history because he was part of it. He served in North Africa during WWII and he was a very proud veteran. I have many vintage newspapers, but this one stands out. It was printed as an extra edition on December 7, 1941 in the territory of Hawaii. The news was transmitted via "transpacific telephone" by the associated press and the paper cost all of 5 cents! I wish that I had taken a better picture of the newspaper but I was in a hurry.
Thank you for going on my vintage and historic journey and please visit others participating in Alphabe-Thursday. This is linked back to Alphabe-Thursday for the letter V.
I came by way of Jenny's blog and I must say that I love all things vintage as well! I love your photos!
I will be back again to visit!
Love Di ♥
I love all the hats people wore then. What a fun post!
What a wonderful collection of vintage items~ love the doll shoes :-)
I love Vintage things, and especially like your tablecloth...very cool stuff...nice post...peace
I love seeing vintage things. And I like to put mine out where I can see them often.
Hi again,
I loooove your post. I almost did mine on vintage as well. At the last minute I was lured by my love for massages. LOL. Its so great that your mom collected all these images. Thanks for sharing.
I love all your vintage stuff. I can't believe the 60's are considered vintage. That must mean I am too, ha, ha.
Wonderful post! I love the vintage ads and the cards and photos! I graduated from High School in 1968 so I'm right there with you on being Vintage myself! We had a 1966 Mustang for years and my Dad finally sold it. What I wouldn't give to have it now! Really enjoyed all your vintage items.
You have a wonderful collection of vintage items. I love the ads for the hats. The only reason I watch the Kentucky Derby is to see the hats :) Your mustang is gorgeous, I hope your grandson knows what a gem this is! Kathy
This was a wonderful post! i really enjoyed looking at all your vintage items. So many brought back memories, especially the doll shoes! Your grandson will be very lucky to get that wonderful car someday!
All of your vintage things are very lovely. I like those old pictures and cards. This is amazing. Those Ginny Vogue doll shoes are very fun! I hope you will join me soon and come read my V post. Hugs Anne
I loved your vintage post! I love all the old dresses. The pictures of your grandmother and mother are wonderful treasures. I love old embroidered linens. I hope one day you will post a picture of the whole tablecloth on your table.
wonderful collection of vintage items ... and that car .... omg i just love your mustang!
Fun trip through time. I love the tablecloth, I wonder if anyone does that anymore, or if it's a lost art?
These images just drew me right into your world. Hold onto that mustang. I'd kill to have one of those. Jenny will probably linger here as long as I did. It was so hard to come to the end.
Wonderful V-post! I really enjoyed strolling through your collection of fashion-ads, photos, cards and newspapers. It makes me think of my own collection! My Dad was also in WW2.
Actually, the word 'vintage', with this usage, is new to me. I first saw it when I got started my Etsy-store. Language changes over time. too.
Best wishes,
Anna's V-word
Wonderful Vintage photographs. I do so love the one of your mother and uncle!
Love the vintage!
so many cool vintage images TFS :D
That tablecloth is so very much like one I have which my mother embroidered, along with matching napkins. Memories :)
Your photo array of things vintage make me want to start digging around for some old things around here. It is beautiful, and I thank you for sharing.
I love all your vintage items. Completely lovely and intriguing!
So many cool vintage things! I go nuts for that stuff! Some stylish trendsetter should bring hats and gloves back into style.
Thanks for the walk through our not so distant history! I enjoyed looking at all you vintage items, and love the Mustang!
I love all of your Mom's things that she saved. I wish my Dad had saved his WWII things. I think we only have his dog tags.
Happy V Day! Great post! I love old, vintage magazines. I'm betting that Housewife's Guide is a serious hoot. I saw something like that once and it was freakin' hilarious!
SUPERB V POST!!! Loved all the nostalgia there, thanks for sharing your family with us also.
Wow! What a totally fun stop on my little journey through Alphabe-Thursday's letter "V"!
I loved all the illustrations but that graduation card really brought back memories. I don't think that could really be vintage...cuz I have some almost like it!
Your Grandson is going to be one lucky boy! That car is awesome!
Thanks for such an interesting and smile provoking link!
I always enjoy coming here!
I love the vintage magazines and ads!
Lots of fun vintage things here. I enjoyed my visit. I seem to have missed visiting your previous posts. I apologize. I thought I was getting around to everyone. So I scrolled down through the previous - great variety in each one.
Perfect post for the W. I loved seeing the vintage photos of weddings...and the book on housewives...how cute that was. Have a great night!
cute, classical, and fun weeding images.
cool w post.
Hi! Your "Y" link is linking to X even though you say it is a post about "yearning".
I can't find the yearning post here to change it.
If you don't mind e-mailing me the correct link I will be glad to fix it for you!
jennymatlock at cox dot net
I am stopping by from Alphabe-Thursday. I enjoyed going down memory lane with you through your pictures. Thanks for sharing. I love all things vintage, too!
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