Here we are again celebrating another class of Alphabe-Thursday with our teacher, Mrs. Matlock. She has assigned the letter "U" for our class to work on this week, and I found it a bit challenging until I decided on a subject. The focus of my "U" paper is my utterly, undeniably photogenic granddaughter, Lillian Sarah. Of course you all know that my opinion on this matter is completely unbiased!!!! Sooooo...the ultimate goal of this post is to share with you photos taken of Lillian this past Sunday, June 6, the day of her Baptism.
I welcome you with utmost pride to participate in celebrating with our family and friends an unbelievable journey of smiles, twinkling eyes, chunky cheeks, and the unabashed posing of a baby girl who always knows where the camera is.
Baby Lillian is ready for her big day and patiently poses in a baptismal gown that is almost 96 years old! She is the 5th person to be baptized in this dress along with her 3 year old brother, her mother, me, and my mother who will be 96 in September. The dress was made in 1914 by a friend of my grandmother's for my mother's Baptism. Unfortunately the gown has some holes in it so I must have an experienced and very skillful seamstress repair the dress for the next generation to wear. I don't know if my grandson's future wife will want their children baptized in this gown, but Lillian has to have her children baptized in it as she is the next female descendant in line. Needless to say, this gown is a true family heirloom....that almost met its demise this past Sunday! My daughter re-wrapped the gown and slip in the white tissue paper I had it in and unwittingly gave it to my husband to hold. As everyone was walking out of the church, my husband said that he needed to find a trash can. I was too busy talking and taking pictures so I really didn't pay much attention to him or what he kept saying. Fortunately I turned around just in time to ask him what he was doing with the bunched up tissue paper (and I mean he had really bunched it up). His reply, "I'm going to throw away the diaper that Karen gave me"!!!!! Thankfully my son-in-law's sister was near me and kept me from falling in the church's main aisle!
In this next photo, Lillian is sucking on the heirloom baptismal gown and undergarment. I don't know if the gown originally had a slip for my mom's Baptism, but the dress now has the slip in this photo. My mother made it for my Baptism and it is cut from her wedding dress slip. The gown is from 1914 and the slip is from my mother's 1943 wedding slip.
I welcome you with utmost pride to participate in celebrating with our family and friends an unbelievable journey of smiles, twinkling eyes, chunky cheeks, and the unabashed posing of a baby girl who always knows where the camera is.

You have to understand that Lillian is a very social baby who enjoys attention and smiles from onlookers.

She has chubby cheeks and the cutest legs, arms and hands.

This is linked back to Alphabe-Thursday for the letter "U".
Wonderful U post! What a beautiful child! I am also 'unbiased'!! :)
She is GORGEOUS, and so smiley! I adore her, and that is a great family photo of the four of them!!!
Lillian is a beauty and she seems so happy in all those pictures. It's wonderful that you have the gorgeous baptismal gown for all these years. Also, how cool was it that your mother had the slip made from her wedding gown. What a treasure Lillian and the baptismal gown is. Thanks for sharing. Great u post.
Loved your U post, it was sweet and thankfully not short.
Lillian is a sweetie pie, such a smiley little girl.
Thank goodness you stopped your husband from throwing away that gorgeous gown.
What a beauty~ those eyes & that smile! What a gorgeous heirloom gown too :-)
She is adorable! That smile just lights up the room. I just love the baptism gown and the story behind it. And now your husband has added yet another tale to the gown's heritage! I bet you did almost fall over. Wonderful U post. Kathy
What a precious, happy baby!!!
Sounds like my husband! Lillian is a charmer and she looked like a princess in the marvelous heirloom dress! Joni
That was so good....Lillian is a real cutie pie!
this is a unique blog thank you
she has such gorgeous big eyes and a charming smile :D
She looks so happy in each pic - so beautiful! Lovely post.
PS Mine this week is HERE. Hope you can join me!
The gown is beautiful. The slip being made from a wedding gown is really special. What a great item to pass on!
oh i just love her great big smiles ... what a happy happy looking child!
How cute she is!
But seriously, someone should feed that child, she's just wasting away! lol...
Oh no! I think I might have fallen in love with Lillian!
What a beautiful baby...she is so adorable.
That baptismal dress is unbelievable.
What an incredibly heirloom...and how wonderful to have so many stories and memories tied to one amazing garment!
Thanks for linking up to Alphabe-Thursday this week!
You are truly blessed with lovely grandbabies! She is such a doll and really knows how how to pose for the photos! Your family is so lovely and I know you are so proud.
She is the sweetest thing. So so cute! Thanks for sharing such sweet pictures of your grandbaby.
That is awesome heirloom! And what a tradition... I hope it will adorn the baby girls in your family for many more generations to come.
The dress, the history, and the photos make this one of my favorite U posts so far. I love that the baptismal gown is an heirloom and your mom added another layer with the slip to make it utterly enchanting.
what a sweet and sentimental U post! The photos were fantastic
Your daughter is lovely, so is her family, and Lillian is just as sweet as can a little doll!
God bless them all :)
She is soooo cute! You want to eat her up! She certainly has a happy disposition. Thanks for sharing.
What an awesome dress, and that it's been kept, and saved, for so long is so Unique.
Wonderful that you could share this post with us. Thanks!
What a special post and tha t gown!! wow~~Such a darling little grand daughter too~~~
Ahhh back to see all the photos again~~~!!!
Kay Ellen
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