Sunday, April 10, 2011

"Easter Parade" of sales

Once again I ventured into the glorious world of yard/estate sales and I'm glad that I did.
This first photo is of a pretty red rose in bloom in my backyard.  It has nothing to do with yard/estate sales, but I thought it was nice to look at anyway!

I found these three darling, puffy "Bunnies by the Bay" at a yard sale of a mother and daughter.  I struck up a conversation with them and I thoroughly enjoyed my visit.  I was taken with their friendly smiles and easy, delightful conversation.  Merlie, the mother, and Amanda, the daughter, were selling a variety of things including Vera Bradley handbags, Coach and Dooney.  They also had so many wonderful books...decorating, doll, and well as some furniture and wonderful home decor items.  Merlie has a real eye for decorating and I wish I could have bought the vignette in her living room (the sale was both inside the house and outside in the yard and garage).  I even went back the next day to visit and buy stuff!!!  It was so nice to meet such gracious people.

 The red bunny in the middle was $2.00 and the white ones were $1.00 each...all from Hallmark.

This three-tiered serving stand was crooked and stuffed into a plastic bag.  For some reason I liked it and instantly came up with a proper use for it.  So I straightened it out and............
 put some of my miniature dolls on it along with an old tea set.  I'm still not finished with it but at least I now have a purpose for buying the serving stand.
 The two little Victorian dolls on the top tier and the two dolls in front (pink and blue) are from an estate sale. You really should click on the photo to enlarge it so you can really see the detail. They are Maud Humphrey Bogart pieces and I spent a whopping $8.00 on all four!

The mini frames below are from Merlie and Amanda's sale.  I don't think that I've seen frames quite as tiny as some of these.  I like the rose pictures in the frames, however, I think I'll switch some out for photos of my grandchildren.

A close-up of the frames

Friday, April 1, 2011

Picture Perfect!

I recently found this double frame at a yard sale and   walked right by it to look at other things. For some reason I went back to the frame and decided to buy it even though I have a bazillion frames at home!
I didn't know what I was going to do with the frame until I thought about the gigantic roll of wrapping paper I bought at Hobby Lobby several months ago.

Here is the frame in its original state.


Here is the frame with the harlequin wrapping paper I bought at Hobby Lobby.


And here is the frame on the wall along with two corners I bought at a yard sale today!

I don't like how I put the corners up, so I'm going to move them closer to the frame.  My husband is going to love the extra set of nail holes in the wall, and he will  probably threaten to put up his favorite jumper cables if I continue to pound holes in the wall!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The entire project cost about $5.00 excluding the wrapping paper and the photo of my mom both of which I already had.