Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Happy New Year

I would like to wish all of you a very Happy New Year. My new year will be filled with joy and a whole lot of love because of my baby granddaughter, Lillian Sarah and her precious brother, Brandt Joseph.

Lillian modeled some of her new Christmas gifts for the family while Brandt entertained himself with his new electric train. Lillian is just 10 weeks old and she already has a closet full of the most adorable outfits any little girl could dream of. Brandt, on the other hand, is all boy and plays with his new electric train, his new bicycle (with training wheels), his cars, his wooden Thomas the train set, his new scooter, and a bazillion other things that routinely find their way out of his room and clutter the rest of the house. My daughter posted a "wish/need list" and, along with a housecleaning service, she wants the people from "Mission Organization" to stop by her house to work some of their magic!

~~~~~~Happy New Year~~~~~~

Monday, December 21, 2009

Vintage Christmas Monday

My Vintage Christmas Monday post actually consists of the following 4 posts that include ornaments, a doll, and two 1951 photos. I was trying to be efficient, but instead of one post I ended up with 4 !!!!!!! One of these days I'll finally figure out what I'm doing on this computer! A special thanks to Joan for hosting this event...go to my sidebar, click on her button, and view some other vintage Christmas offerings. I hope that you enjoy my 4 posts even if they should have all been included in one! It is better to click on each photo so the picture enlarges for a full effect.

The Christmas tree in my mother's bedroom

Here are some vintage bird ornaments that my mother has had since I can remember. They are always a favorite of mine. Click on photo to enlarge.

One of my mom's vintage ornaments

A vintage painted glass lemon that has been on many family Christmas trees. I handle this ornament very carefully. Click on photo to enlarge.

Christmas doll from 1951

Here is the doll from my vintage 1951 photo. I still have her and she is in mint condition. Here face is flawless, her eyes still open and close easily, and her coloring is wonderful. Her wig has been replaced and she isn't in her original clothing. I may or may not still have her original clothes...I have to search in some boxes to find out. This doll is 58 years old and you can see her in the following photo from 1951. Click on photo to enlarge.

Christmas, 1951

Christmas, 1951
Originally uploaded by nostalgic nana
Here are two photos of a doll I received for Christmas when I was 3 years old. The photo on the left shows my cousin Rosalie (left) and me holding our dolls that were gifts to us that year.
The photo on the right shows me in my night clothes holding the same doll. You can also see the manger that I previously blogged about on the lower part of the table behind me. Click on photo to enlarge.

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Vintage Christmas Monday

Welcome to another delightful celebration of "Vintage Christmas Monday" hosted by Joan. You can click on her button in my right sidebar to view other vintage Christmas items from other participants that are sharing their wonderful treasures.

My first photo is of some vintage candles that my mother knit many, many years ago. She is 95 years old now, and she used to knit and crochet so many wonderful things when her eyesight was better. My mother always put these candles out for Christmas and now I proudly display them especially since they were handmade with love and care by my mother.

My next photo shows ice skates that my mother made a long time ago. I think that they are so cute especially with the paper clips as blades.

Next week I'll show ornaments that are around 60 years old and still very pretty.
Thank you for visiting today and have a wonderful week.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Vintage Christmas Monday

I just started to participate in Joan's blog group titled "Vintage Christmas Monday". You can view her blog and the other vintage Christmas participants by clicking on the top button in my right sidebar.
This Monday I'm including a very old manger that my parents probably bought between 1946-1951 in Rockford, IL. I have such fond memories of this manger which was usually under our tree or on a close-by table. I always wanted baby Jesus to be warm so I would add Kleenex and cotton balls to His "crib". Sometimes I would wrap Him in cloth to make sure that He was extra warm. All the straw that was in the "crib", on the roof and on the floor is long gone but the warm, striking memories will always be with me.

You can see some cotton and tissue under the figure of baby Jesus in this photo. I was so happy when my mother gave the old manger to me so I could display it every Christmas. The little "crib" holding Jesus has lost its front legs and some of the sheep have seen better days, but I cherish this manger and all the happy memories that it brings to mind.
Visit other blogs and see more vintage Christmas things on display.